Why Nuts

Nuts are natural power-packs of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, protein and fibre which help children grow, develop and learn.

Examples of nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pinenuts, pistachios and walnuts.”

You get 5 of them in each Nut Baby Snack!

Nut Baby Eat More Nuts

Health benefits of nuts

Regularly eating nuts as part of an overall healthy diet can help to reduce cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease, maintain regular bowel movements and even support bone health!”

To remember

Nuts like cashews, Brazil nuts and macadamias are packed full of nutrients, protein and fibre to help children grow, develop and learn.
• A serve of nuts is 30g or a small handful.
• Eating nuts regularly can benefit your overall health in so many ways.”

What is a serve?

A 30g serve of nuts is a small handful, or roughly:
• 30 pistachio kernels
• 20 almonds or hazelnuts
• 15 cashews, pecans or macadamias
• 9-10 Brazil nuts or walnuts
• 4 chestnuts

A serve of nuts contains approximately:

• 36% of a child’s daily vitamin E requirement
13% of a child’s daily fibre requirement
4g protein; and
B-group vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium

Source: https://nutritionaustralia.org/

Each of our Snacks are 65g of Goodness! Ideal for your Snack time, Lunch box, After Long Day Snack!

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